- Christians regard this location as that of the ancient venue of the Upper Room or Cenacle.
CenacleCenacleCenacleTHOMAS & THE CENACLE RECONSIDEREDCantos Toscans of the romantic cenacleIntensive Care Medicine and the "Cenacle principles".Quelques remarques sur le Cenacle d'Illusions perdues de BalzacMEMORANDUM ON THE CWME CONSULTATION LE CENACLE, 27–30 JANUARY, 1986The Lebanese Cenacle (1946-1984) : a tribune for a lebanology in its arab and mediterranean frameworkThe Ancient Church of the Apostles: Revisiting Jerusalem's Cenacle and David's TombCollaboration and solidarity: The collective strategies of the romantic cenacleA personal reflection on changes in theology during my life as a Cenacle nun : mysticism and narcissismSeismic analyses and interventions design of a historic building in Jerusalem: the Cenacle and the Tomb of David