democratic centralism民主集中制
- In the new period,centralism should be closely linked with democracy.
Localism and centralism in Europe
Decent Democratic Centralism
Dynamics of change: decentralised centralism of education in Singapore
Between centralism and localism: on the development of local self-government in postsocialist Europe
Decentralized centralism: framework for a better understanding of governance in the field of education
When state centralism meets neo-liberalism: managing university governance change in Singapore and Malaysia
On Penalties and the Patient’s Charter: Centralism v De‐Centralised Governance in the NHS
Uneasy Symbiosis of a Market Economy and Democratic Centralism: Emergence and Disappearance of Market Socialism and Yugoslavia
Uneasy Symbiosis of a Market Economy and Democratic Centralism: Emergence and Disappearance of Market Socialism and Yugoslavia
Stating the Production of Scales: Centrally Orchestrated Regionalism, Regionally Orchestrated Centralism