Techniques of Live Capture of Smaller CetaceaMorphological Evidence for the Phylogeny of CetaceaA new Eocene archaeocete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from India and the time of origin of whalesPhylogenetic relationships among the true porpoises (Cetacea:Phocoenidae).The Position of Cetacea Within Mammalia: Phylogenetic Analysis of Morphological Data from Extinct and Extant TaxaStability of cladistic relationships between Cetacea and higher-level artiodactyl taxa.Marine Mammals (Cetacea and Sirenia) from the Eocene of Gebel Mokattam and Fayum, Egypt: Stratigraphy, Age and PaleoenvironmentsMarine Mammals (Cetacea and Sirenia) from the Eocene of Gebel Mokattam and Fayum, Egypt: Stratigraphy, Age and PaleoenvironmentsNew Morphological Evidence for the Phylogeny of Artiodactyla, Cetacea, and MesonychidaeOntogenetic habitat selection by Hadwenius pontoporiae (Digenea: Campulidae) in the intestine of franciscanas (Cetacea)