- The specific area of infection will develop a chancre.
Chancroid: Alias the Soft Chancre
Shakespeare's chancre: did the bard have syphilis?
Rectal cancer or rectal chancre? Beware of primary syphilis
A case of extragenital chancre on a nipple from a human bite during sexual intercourse.
Reinfection of chancre-immune rabbits with Treponema pallidum. I. Light and immunofluorescence studies.
Treponetna pallidum within cells of a primary chancre from a human female.
An electron microscopic study of a syphilitic chancre. Engulfment of Treponema pallidum by plasma cells.
Eradication du chancre mou####Eradicating chancroid####Simple algorithms for the management of genital ulcers: evaluation in a prima...
Les formes hypovirulentes d'Endothia parasitica et les espoirs de lutte contre le chancre du châtaignier