gregorian chant格列高利圣咏(教皇格列高利一世采用,常无伴奏)
- Surviving books which contain complete written repertories of the chant with music do not appear before the tenth century, and are well established in the eleventh.
一些保存下来的古书中完整记载着十世纪音乐还没出现前的圣歌和在十一实际已经很好的配上音乐的圣歌。 - What we call Gregorian chant today first appears distinctly in the Roman repertory of the fifth and sixth centuries.
我们现在说的格立高圣歌最早清楚的出现在5和6世纪的罗马剧目中。 - The chant of the crowd was "Work for all".
- The angels chant the chorus all day long.
天使们整天唱着圣歌, - They decide to chant beethoven's symphony no.9 on the mayor's birthday.
他们决定在市长生日那天咏唱贝多芬的第九交响曲。 - The subject of his poem is to chant the praises of labour heroes.
他的诗的主题是歌颂劳动英雄。 - Worldly people chant the name of God, but there is no zeal behind it.
About the history I should chant to you my kin
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In honor of the Blessed Virigin Maria-Chant books by friar Petar Knezevic. New Insights
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