- Any of a breed of characteristically large, reddish-brown or chestnut-colored draft horses.
役马,拖车马一种以红棕色或栗色为特征的大型载重马 - A breed of saddle horse developed in northwest North America, characteristically having a spotted rump.
阿帕卢萨马北美洲西北部的一种乘骑用马,特征为尾部有斑点 - An electromagnetic wave of audio frequency produced by atmospheric disturbances such as lightning, having a characteristically decreasing frequency responsible for a whistling sound of descending pitch in detection equipment.
啸声干扰一种由于诸如闪电等大气干扰而产生的音频电磁波,具有典型的逐渐减弱频率的特征,该频减引起了检波设备中调逐渐下降的啸声 - The characteristically deep, gruff bark of a dog.
Nephrin localizes at the podocyte filtration slit area and is characteristically spliced in the human kidney.
The alpha 1-alpha 6 subunits of integrins are characteristically expressed in distinct segments of developing and adult human nephron
Platelets interact with soluble and insoluble collagens through characteristically different reactions
Protein Kinase C Isoenzyme Patterns Characteristically Modulated in Early Prostate Cancer
The α 1 -α 6 Subunits of Integrins Are Characteristically Expressed in Distinct Segments of Developing and Adult Human Nephron
Eosinophil-rich human polymorphonuclear leukocyte preparations characteristically release leukotriene C 4 on ionophore A23187 chall...
Acute cold hypersensitivity characteristically ...
2B1 antigen characteristically expressed on extracellular matrices of human malignant tumors is a large chondroitin sulfate proteogl...
Decreased serum ceruloplasmin levels characteristically aggravate nigral iron deposition in Parkinson's disease