Quantitative determination of sites able to chemisorb CO on Au/ZrO 2 catalysts
Decay dynamics of photoexcited alkali chemisorbates: Real-time investigations in the femtosecond regime
Metal electrode–chemisorbate bonding: General influence of surface bond polarization on field-dependent binding energetics and vibr...
Field-dependent electrode-chemisorbate bonding: sensitivity of vibrational stark effect and binding energetics to nature of surface ...
Periodic Trends in Monoatomic Chemisorbate Bonding on Platinum-Group and Other Noble-Metal Electrodes As Probed by Surface-Enhanced ...
Periodic Trends in Electrode-Chemisorbate Bonding: Ethylene on Platinum-Group and Gold Electrodes as Probed by Surface-Enhanced Ra...
Lateral adsorption geometry and site-specific electronic structure of a large organic chemisorbate on a metal surface
Periodic trends in electrode-chemisorbate bonding: benzonitrile on platinum-group and other noble metals as probed by surface-enhanc...
Kraft, A. et al. Lateral adsorption geometry and site-specific electronic structure of a large organic chemisorbate on a metal surfa...
Infrared spectroscopy of model electrochemical interfaces in ultrahigh vacuum: some implications for ionic and chemisorbate solvatio...