Proyecto de viabilidad de una planta almacenadora de productos del mar con miras a la exportación a ubicarse en el cantón Muisne.Ninetieth Annual Report of the Town Officers of the Town of Phippsburg, Maine. For the Year Ending February 20, 1904.Optimization of water retention in Western Siberia [USSR, for distribution to crops and increased cereal yields]Development of zonal agrocomplexes in Omsk Region in the northern forest-steppe zone [Cereal and forage production, RSFSR-in-Asia]Reduction of the runoff of snow water--an urgent taskNon-invasive in vivo quantification of the medial tibial cartilage thickness progression in an osteoarthritis rabbit model with quan...Genetic study of neurexin and neuroligin genes in Alzheimer's diseasePerturbation of Ge(1 1 1) and Si(1 1 1)√3α-Sn surfaces by adsorption of dopantsAutonomous agents and computational intelligence: the future of AI application for petroleum industryPreface