- She took up the meter with care for fear that it be damaged.
她小心拿起量表以免它受到损害。 - He builds up a successful business but it is all do at the expense of his health.
他创建的企业很成功,但这一切却损害了他的健康。 - Our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up.
我们的身躯长大但是我们的心被伤害。 - Hurt by their impolite words, he flared up.
由于他们那些不礼貌的话伤害了他,他突然发火了。 - Chew your food properly before swallowing it.
Ice recrystallization inhibition proteins (IRIPs) and freeze tolerance in the cryophilic Antarctic hair grass Deschampsia antarctica...
Cold acclimation induces rapid and dynamic changes in freeze tolerance mechanisms in the cryophile Deschampsia antarctica E. Desv
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ONGC sets up panel to import gas from Sakhalin.
A study of the use of weights in resistive exercises for girls in corrective physical education.
{beta}-Cryptoxanthin and lutein mediate inflammatory mediators and cytokines in human chondrosarcoma cells induced with interleukin-...
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AB085. Imprinting mutation of CDKN1C in Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome: inheritance, genetic counselling and surveillance.
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