Essential oils of Chiliadenus lopadusanus (Asteraceae).Anti-diabetic activity of Chiliadenus iphionoides.Intraspecific Variation of Chiliadenus iphionoides Essential Oil in IsraelLa figure d’Agamemnon dans les Adagiorum Chiliades d’ÉrasmeEssential Oil from Chiliadenus lopadusanus Growing Spontaneously in Lampedusa Island (Italy).‘The autobiographical subject in Tzetzes’ Chiliades: an analysis of its components’Preferential anti-proliferative activity of Varthemia iphionoides (Chiliadenus iphinoides)Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on the genera Jasonia Cass, and Chiliadenus Cass. (Compositae)Phenolic Composition and Evaluation of Antioxidant and Cytoprotective Activity of Chiliadenus montanusChemical constituents and their antibacterial and antifungal activity from the Egyptian herbal medicine Chiliadenus montanus.