The Inheritance "Chivalrousness"of and its Implication in "Sanyan"Talk about the Chivalrousness in Jinrong's Gongfu Story——Take Guojing and Yangguo in Shendiaoxialv as an ExampleOn the Chivalrousness of Homeric WorldISLAMIC CHIVALROUSNESS AND THE PLACE OF MORALITY IN PROFESSIONAL TEACHINGOn the Depiction of Chivalrousness in "A Dream in a Red Mansion"The Secular Chivalrousness Spirit in Searching for Root of “Qi Wang”Despre cavalerismul lumii homerice조선 후기 협(俠)의 미의식 연구 -사행록(使行錄)과 검무시(劍舞詩)를 중심으로-Rytířství v Chaucerových "Canterburských povídkách"Perigosa relação: cavalheirismo e machismo através de um olhar sobre o romance de Laclos