[Sensitivity of chlamydes, isolated from pigs, to the activity of some physicochemical and biological factors]. [Russian]Les chlamydes noires des éphèbes athéniensPurification and properties of thermostable xylanase from Talaromyces byssochlamydoides YH-50.Production and characterization of thermostable xylanase from talaromyces byssochlamydoides YH-50.Transformation of a Monochlamydius into a Dichlamydius Chim|[aelig]|ra by X-ray TreatmentReaktive Augenentzündungen nach Yersinia-, Salmonellen-, Shigellen-, Campylobacter- und ChlamydieninfektionenSymbiotrophy of Lignophytes and Fungi: Its Terminological and Conceptual DeficienciesAttic Black-Figured PelikaiCavalerii danubieni din castellum roman de la Tirighina-BărboşiThe Danubian Knights Discovered in the Roman Castle from Tirighina-Bărboşi