Toxic action of chlordanChronic oral toxicity of chlordan to ratsComparison of DDT and Chlordan for the Control of the Horse Louse.Effect of chlordan pretreatment on the metabolism and lethality of cyclophosphamideA Study of Workers exposed to the Insecticides Chlordan, Aldrin, Dieldrin.Insecticide Vapors in Air, Determination of Chlordan in Air of Habitations Treated for Insect ControlMetabolism of insecticides, VIII (1): Excretion, distribution and metabolism of α-chlordan- 14 C by ratsMETABOLISM OF INSECTICIDES. 8. (1): EXCRETION, DISTRIBUTION AND METABOLISM OF ALPHA-CHLORDAN-14C BY RATSPESTICIDE RESIDUES: Spectrophotometric Determination of Heptachlor and Technical Chlordan on Food and Forage CropsInsecticide Residues, Chromatographic Separation of Heptachlor, Gamma Chlordan, and Heptachlor Epoxide from High-Heptachlor Residues