Chopping-knifeChopping-knifeChopping-knifeKnife and chopping block holder with ultraviolet lightsHard nucleus chopping technique in small-incision cataract surge-ry: two-knife plane choppingStudy on chopping and throwing parameters of the chopping knife with curved surface and straight edgeDesign and experiment of chopping device with dynamic fixed knife coaxial for rice straw[Hard nucleus chopping technique for non-phacoemulsification in small-incision cataract surgery: two-knife chopping]Fixing chopping knives of forage harvesters - also involves provision of rasping surface for materialDesign and Experiment of Straw-chopping Device with Chopping and Fixed Knife Supported Slide CuttingCooked sausage batter Chopping with different knivesThe clinical application of two knives horizontal nucleus chopping in small incision non-phacoemulsification surgeryRibonuclease E: Chopping Knife and Sculpting Tool.