Chrysotile fiber is a strong mutagen in mammalian cells.Chrysotile asbestos is the main cause of pleural mesothelioma.Dust exposure and mortality in chrysotile mining, 1910-75.MESOTHELIOMA IN QUEBEC CHRYSOTILE MINERS AND MILLERS: EPIDEMIOLOGY AND AETIOLOGYThe Serpentinite Multisystem Revisited: Chrysotile Is MetastableFollow-up study of chrysotile textile workers: cohort mortality and exposure-responseThe 1891-1920 birth cohort of Quebec chrysotile miners and millers: mortality 1976-88.Respiratory Cancer in Chrysotile Textile and Mining Industries: Exposure Inferences from Lung AnalysisTHE 1891–1920 BIRTH COHORT OF QUEBEC CHRYSOTILE MINERS AND MILLERS: DEVELOPMENT FROM 1904 AND MORTALITY TO 1992FIOH-sponsored Newsletter. Misrepresentation of asbestos hazards in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe can use chrysotile fiber safely and responsib...