CinerariumDesign and Prospects for Cinerarium ArchitectureCINERARIUM-DERIVED CHROMOSOMAL DNA INVOLVED IN SYNTHESIS OF FLAVONOID, AND USE THEREOFCINERARIUM-DERIVED CHROMOSOMAL DNA INVOLVED IN SYNTHESIS OF FLAVONOID, AND USE THEREOFTwo cinerarium vases from Northern Etruria. Origins of the recumbent motive in funerary iconographyDORCADION (CRIBRIDORCADION) PARACINERARIUM BREUNING, 1974 REST. NOV. (CERAMBYCIDAE)Armenian Dorcadion (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of “cinerarium-group”A revision of the taxonomic structure of Dorcadion cinerarium (Fabricius, 1787) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)Low-volume aerial spray of Bt [Bacillus thuringiensis] emulsion for the control of Apocheima cinerarium.Funeral Courtesy and Action of Visiting of Mt.KOYA-SAN for Cinerarium of the YONEZAWA Feudal Lord during the Early Modern Times Prom...