CinerinCinerinAn NMR Study on Cinerin ⅡSynthesis of Cinerone, Cinerolone and of Cinerin-ICinerin C: a macrophyllin-type bicyclo[3.2.1]octane neolignan from Pleurothyrium cinereum (Lauraceae).Relative Toxicity to Insects of Natural Pyrethrins and Synthetic Allyl Analog of Cinerin IConstituents of Pyrethrum Flowers. XXV. The Synthesis of d-Cinerolone, Cinerin I, and its Optical IsomersMetabolism in vivo of C14-Labelled Pyrethrin I and Cinerin I by House Flies with Special Reference to the Synergistic MechanismConstituents of pyrethrum flowers; synthesis and relative toxicity of two isomers of cinerin I.Conversion of (S)-allethrolone to pyrethrin I, jasmolin I, cinerin I, and [propenyl-3-13C]- and [propenyl-3-14C]-(S)-bioallethrin