Price, Clean Indoor Air, and Cigarette Smoking: Evidence from the Longitudinal Data for Young AdultsPrice, clean indoor air laws, and cigarette smokingDoes the price of oil interact with clean energy prices in the stock market? ☆Information Loss in Volatility Measurement with Flat Price TradingDoes clean air matter in developing countries' megacities? A hedonic price analysis of the Jakarta housing market, IndonesiaHow Should Central Banks Respond to Asset-Price Bubbles? The 'Lean' versus 'Clean' Debate After the GFCTesting for a Flat Spectrum on Efficient Market Price DataNEIGHBORHOOD DYNAMICS AND PRICE EFFECTS OF SUPERFUND SITE CLEAN‐UPFlat—the minimalist priceThe 1990 Clean Air Act and the Implicit Price of Sulfur in Coal