clearing house票据交换所
clearing system清算制度;交换系统
market clearing市场结算;市场清理
clearing price结算价格
clearing and settlement清算与结算
land clearing清除地物;开荒;清理土地;场地清理
clearing agent[医]清净剂;清算代理;交换代理人
clearing time通信连络断开时间;电话的话终时间;透明时间,定透时间
clearing bank票据交换银行,清算银行
clearing center清算中心;票据交换中心
- The path ran along the side of the clearing.
小路沿着空地的边缘向前延伸。 - They pitched their tent in a little clearing in the wood.
他们在树林里的一块小空地上支起了帐篷。 - At last she was safe through the fence and rose up in the clearing.
她终于安全地爬过了栅栏在空地里站起来。 - He's a slacker, he actually skipped off and left us to do the clearing away.
他是个懒鬼,他居然悄悄地溜走而把清除工作留给我们来做。 - There might be handling clearing charges imposed by the bank.
您或须缴付有关银行手续结算费用。 - This is why the notes clearing becomes necessary.
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Clearing the clouds: a study of emerging scale-out workloads on modern hardware
Does Fairness Prevent Market Clearing? An Experimental Investigation
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