
  • 克莱门蒂娜
  • Clement的阴性
  • 法语



  • Clementina is a tragic play by the Irish writer Hugh Kelly. It was first staged at Covent Garden Theatre in February 1771.




Response of Clementina de Nules citrus trees to summer deficit irrigation. Yield components and fruit composition
Regulated deficit irrigatin in Clementina de Nules citrus tree, 2: Effects on vegetative growth
Regulated deficit irrigation in 'Clementina de Nules' citrus tree: Effects on vegetative growth
Riego deficitario controlado en "Clementina de Nules". II: efectos sobre el crecimiento vegetativo
Regulated deficit irrigation in `Clementina de Nules'' citrus trees. I. Yield and fruit quality effects
Regulated deficit irrigation in ‘Clementina de Nules’ citrus trees. II: Vegetative growth
A reference genetic map of C. clementina hort. ex Tan.; citrus evolution inferences from comparative mapping
Regulated deficit irrigation in "Clementina de Nules"citrus tree, 1: Yield and fruit quality effects during four years
SNP mining in C. clementina BAC end sequences; transferability in the Citrus genus (Rutaceae), phylogenetic inferences and perspecti...
The influence of gamma irradiation on flavonoïds content during storage of irradiated clementina