- You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.
紧握的拳头不能够和别人握手。 - The shape of the coin was imprinted on his tightly clenched hand.
The clenched fist syndromeClenched Fist Human Bite InjuriesClenched fist injury: a pitfall for patients and surgeons.Treatment of dystonic clenched fist with botulinum toxinTHE CLENCHED FIST TECHNIQUE AS A HYPNOTIC PROCEDURE IN CLINICAL PSYCHOTHERAPYThe "clenched pencil"view: a modified clenched fist scapholunate stress viewInfections following clenched-fist injury: A new perspective *The clenched fist syndrome. A psychiatric syndrome mimicking reflex sympathetic dystrophyOntogeny of clenched-hand development in trisomy 18 fetuses: A serial transabdominal fetoscopic observation.Modified technique for the superficialis-to-profundus transfer in the treatment of adults with spastic clenched fist deformity.