"This Worthy Lymytour Was Cleped Huberd": A Note on the Friar's NameIn this tretyse that is cleped governayle of heltheIn this tretyse that is cleped Gouernayle of helthe what is to be sayd wyth crystis helpe of some thynges that longen to bodily helt...Sir Orfeo: A Middle English Version By J.R.R. TolkienGiving Each His Due: Langland, Gower, and the Question of EquityLoss and Recovery: A Morphological Reconsideration of Sir Orfeo : FabulaCHAUCER'S LEGEND OF GOOD WOMEN: TWO FALLACIESConcerning a Pointer on the AstrolabeDismal Science: Chaucer and Gower on Alchemy and EconomyFairies and Humans between Possible Worlds