- Sprinkled grains would float away, tickling noses and clogging vents.
但洒出的颗粒会随处飘散,让鼻子发痒同时阻塞出气口。 - David had the part sent to him, and he carried it in his jacket pocket until Pratt & Whitney engineers devised a way to keep the part from clogging oil lines.
Prevents clogging
Clogging of axons by tau, inhibition of axonal traffic and starvation of synapses.
Clogging of fibrous filters by solid aerosol particles Experimental and modelling study
Friction effects and clogging in a cellular automaton model for pedestrian dynamics
Evaluation of substrate clogging processes in vertical flow constructed wetlands
Soil clogging in vertical flow reed beds - mechanisms, parameters, consequences and.......solutions?
Prevention of clogging in a biological trickle-bed reactor removing toluene from contaminated air.
Friction Effects and Clogging ina Cellular Automaton Model for Pedestrian Dynamics. Phys Rev E 67:056122
Relationship between Transport of Bacteria and Their Clogging Efficiency in Sand Columns
Environmental Impact and Mechanisms of the Biological Clogging of Saturated Soils and Aquifer Materials