close down
Pyrrhic victories – anticipating the closedown effect
Impact of a smelter closedown on metal contents of wheat cultivated in the neighbourhood
Schools closedown and lessons learnt: a study of international secondary schools' use of ICT in Hong Kong
On M/G/1 system under policies with breakdowns, startup and closedown
Equilibrium threshold strategies in observable queueing systems with setup/closedown times
Batch arrival queues under vacation policies with server breakdowns and startup/closedown times
Psychological Weil-Being Among Unemployed and Employed People After a Company Closedown: A Longitudinal Study
Steady state analysis of a bulk queue with multiple vacations, setup times with N -policy and closedown times
Two thresholds of a batch arrival queueing system under modified T vacation policy with startup and closedown
Participation in a Follow up Study of Health among Unemployed and Employed People after a Company Closedown: Drop Outs and Selection...