clubmoss:Antioxidant and antimicrobial actions of the clubmoss Lycopodium clavatum LResidual Effects of Range Renovation on Dense Clubmoss and Associated VegetationAppraisal of anti-inflammatory potential of the clubmoss, Lycopodium clavatum LInsecticidal activity of huperzine A from the New Zealand clubmoss, Lycopodium varium.Clubmoss, precipitation, and microsite effects on emergence of graminoid and forb seedlings in the semiarid Northern Mixed Prairie o...Lycopodiella ×gilmanii (Lycopodiaceae), a New Hybrid Bog Clubmoss from Northeastern North AmericaThe LAMB1 gene from the clubmoss, Lycopodium annotinum, is a divergent MADS-box gene, expressed specifically in sporogenic structuresOccurrence and evolutionary origins of polyploids in the clubmoss genus Diphasiastrum (Lycopodiaceae)Histological analysis of indirect somatic embryogenesis in the Marsh clubmoss Lycopodiella inundata (L.) Holub (Pteridophytes).