The T-Cell-Mediated Immune Response and Return Rate of Fledgling American Kestrels Are Positively Correlated with Parental Clutch SizeApparatus and method for updating a CLUT during horizontal blankingRadar performance in a maritime environment: single hit detection in the presence of multipath fading and non-Rayleigh sea clutterMassive Postpartum Hemorrhage Treated with Transcatheter Arterial Embolization: Technical Aspects and Long-Term Effects on Fertility...Bailly RA, Bossclut R, Zucman J, Cormier F, Delattre O, Roussel M, Thomas G, Ghysdael JDNA-binding and transcriptional activation pr...Mixed marine and lacustrine input to an oil-cemented sandstone breccia from Brora, Scotland1An assessment of geographic information system skills used by field-level natural resource managers.An analysis of the compartmentation and proximo-distal convection of the clutamate-glutamine system in the dorsal sensory neuron: co...Basic data and preliminary density and porosity profiles for twelve borehole gravity surveys made in the Los Angeles, San Joaquin, S...Mixed marine and lacustrine input to an oil-cemented sandstone breccia from Brora, Scotland 1 This paper was presented orally at the...