- He is too bloody cocksure about everything.
他对於每一件事都过於自信。 - Don't be so cocksure that he will succeed.
Cocksure :
Cocksure Jones 1
Dystopia in Cocksure
Cocksure: Banks, battles, and the psychology of overconfidence
Cocksure Women and Hen-sure Man——A New Study of Sons and Lovers
From a Cocksure Political Performer to a Man Clinging to His Tattered Reputation
Cocksure Jones 1 Commissioned by TREE and published in the January 2001 issued of TREE 1
Simulacra and Stimulations: "Cocksure,"Postmodernism, and Richier's Phallic Hero
On Lawrence's Feminist Consciousness Embodied in Cocksure Women and Hensure Men
Between cocksure and cock uncertain: masculinity and recent Australian video art. [Paper in Video: Don't Flick the Switch. Lee, Bre...
Narcissism and stock market investing: Correlates and consequences of cocksure investing.