On a new commensal mytilid (Mollusca: Bivalva) opening into the coelenteron of Fungia scutaria (Coelenterata)Genetic Evidence for the Asexual Origin of Small Individuals found in the Coelenteron of the Sea Anemone Actinia bermudensis McMurrichBacteria in the coelenteron of Anthozoa: Control of coelenteric bacterial density by the coelenteric fluidHeterotrophic nutrition and control of bacterial density in the coelenteron of the giant sea anemone Stoichactis giganteumInduced changes in the osmotic concentration of the coelenteron fluid of the sea anemone Condylactis giganteaMicrobial abundance in the coelenteron and mucus of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa and in bottom water of the reef environmentUnidirectional circulation in each coelenteron compartment in a primary polyp of Acropora tenuisCross sections (A, B) through the coelenteron of polyp, showing mucus sheet (mucus with food particles (Fp)), crustacean (Cr.), mucu...Microsensor study of photosynthesis and calcification in the scleractinian coral, Galaxea fascicularis: Active internal carbon cycleBehavior and flagellar currents in coronate polyps (Scyphozoa) and comparisons with semaeostome polyps