421 Tunsi-nippon cognationsCognation, Endogamy, and Teknonymy: The Piaroa ExampleSome Cognations on Chinese Enterprise's Human-centered-management in the Present StageChance Cognation: A probabilistic model and decision procedure for historical inferenceResearch of genetic algorithm with natural cognation exclusionCognation and Social Organization in Southeast Asia. Edited by HüskenFrans and KempJeremy. Leiden: KITLV Press, 1991. 221 pp.The Same is Not The same - Post Correction of Alphabet Confusion Erros in Mixed-Alphabet OCR RecognationBiometric security process for authenticating identity and credit cards, visas, passports and facial recognationTractatus de parochorum obligatione tempore pestis unus ; De spirituali cognationes alter : cum variis annotationibus... / auctore M...Chromatographic resolution on methylbenzoyl cellulose beads. Modulation of chiral recognation by variation of the position of the me...