Do socio-technical systems cognise?Cognise 2013 : 1st International Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Information Systems Engineering In conjunction with CAiSE2013COGNISE 2014 : 2nd International Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Information Systems EngineeringThe troubling concept of class: reflecting on our ‘failure’ to encourage sociology students to re-cognise their classed locations ...To the problem of toponomical kernel of culture, or again about Kantian's experience of pro-cognise of beliefDo socio-technical systems cognise?Heavy chain myosin 9-related disease (MYH9 -RD): neutrophil inclusions of myosin-9 as a pathognomonic sign of the disorderThe powerful force of social movements: since the Empire until the formation through virtual social networks in Brazil todayThe Comedian as Portrayer of Social MoralityThe Comedian as Portrayer of Social Morality