- Meat is kept from falling away in cold storage.
肉放在冷藏库里以防腐烂。 - It was testified that CFD was a powerful tool to design and optimize the flow field in a cold store.
Analysis of the air flow in a cold store by means of computational fluid dynamics
Effects of design parameters on flow and temperature fields of a cold store by CFD simulation.
Experimental verification of analytical and CFD predictions of infiltration through cold store entrances
Analysis of the air flow in a cold store by means of computational fluid dynamicsAnalyse du débit d'air dans un entrepôt frigorifi...
Solar Powered Solid Adsorption Cold Store
Numerical simulation and verification of airflow in cold-store
Steady state CFD modeling of airflow, heat transfer and moisture loss in a commercial potato cold store
Simulation of Effect of Stack Dimensions and Stacking Arrangement on Cool-down Characteristics of Potato in a Cold Store by Computat...
Experimental comparison of R22 with R417A performance in a vapour compression refrigeration plant subjected to a cold store
Evaluation of a chicory root cold store humidification system using computational fluid dynamics.