- The coleoptile contains very little chlorophyll and is usually light-sensitive.
Transcript profiling of the anoxic rice coleoptile.Cell wall architecture of the elongating maize coleoptile.Studies on the Growth of Coleoptile and First Internode Sections. A New, Sensitive, Straight-Growth Test for AuxinsAuxin-binding protein from coleoptile membranes of corn (Zea mays L.). II. Localization of a putative auxin receptor.Auxin-binding protein from coleoptile membranes of corn (Zea mays L.). I. Purification by immunological methods and characterization.Auxin-induced K+ channel expression represents an essential step in coleoptile growth and gravitropismEffects of metals on seed germination, root elongation, and coleoptile and hypocotyl growth in Triticum aestivum and Cucumis sativus.Effects of Metals on Seed Germination, Root Elongation, and Coleoptile and Hypocotyl Growth in Triticum aest...Characterization of naphthaleneacetic Acid binding to receptor sites on cellular membranes of maize coleoptile tissue.Dynamic reorganization of microfilaments and microtubules is necessary for the expression of non-host resistance in barley coleoptil...