- Assist in the collating of information into the Equipment Database.
协助整理信息并输入进设备数据库中。 - As the source of all quoted literatures are indicated, the original shapes of many literatures can thus be resumed by conclusion and collating.
Organism information authenticating apparatus, organism information registering apparatus, and organism information collating appara...
Will climate change drive 21st century burn rates in Canadian boreal forest outside of its natural variability: collating global cli...
Lipids in foods: Problems and procedures in collating data
Collating Spirometry reference values in Asian children and Adolescents; puzzle out the reasons for variations
Right and left colorectal carcinoids as neuroendocrine carcinomas: Collating clinicopathologic, cell proliferation, and oncoprotein ...
Completing the E. coli proteome: a database of gene products characterised since the completion of the genome sequence.
Macroscopic fibers and ribbons of oriented carbon nanotubes.
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Salts: Properties, Selection, and Use
Clinical practice with anti-dementia drugs: a consensus statement from British Association for Psychopharmacology.
Causes of sudden death in competitive athletes.