ColposcopeUse of the colposcope in examination for sexual abuse.Use of the Colposcope in Childhood Sexual Abuse ExaminationsThe use of the colposcope in the selection of patients for cervical cone biopsyThe computerized digital imaging colposcope: future directions.The use of the colposcope in the diagnosis of sexual abuse in the pediatric age groupA comparitive study of digital colposcope and optical colposcope in the diagnosis of early lesions of uterine cervixMethodology of a real-time quality control for the multispectral digital colposcope (MDC)Relative Accuracy of Cervical and Anal Cytology for Detection of High Grade Lesions by Colposcope Guided Biopsy: A Cut-Point Meta-An...Human decidual spiral arterial studies. I. Anatomy, circulation and pathology of the placenta. Observations with a colposcope