spontaneous combustion自燃
internal combustion内燃
combustion engine内燃机;燃烧机;内燃机燃烧机
combustion chamber[机]燃烧室
internal combustion engine内燃机
combustion system燃烧系统
combustion efficiency燃烧效率
combustion control燃烧过程的控制,燃烧控制
catalytic combustion催化燃烧
combustion temperature[机]燃烧温度
combustion gas[机]燃烧气体
combustion performance燃烧性能
combustion rate燃烧率;燃烧速度
pulverized coal combustion煤粉燃烧
incomplete combustion[化]不完全燃烧
fluidized bed combustion流化床燃烧;怜床燃烧
combustion air助燃空气;燃烧空气
combustion heat燃烧热
complete combustion[化]完全燃烧
combustion furnace燃烧炉;[化]焚烧炉
- The smoke formed by their combustion is negligible.
由它燃烧所生成的烟是可忽略的。 - Carbon dioxide does not burn, nor does it support combustion.
Internal combustion engine fundamentals
Progress in energy and combustion science
Enzymatic "combustion": the microbial degradation of lignin.
Oxy-fuel combustion technology for coal-fired power generation
Summary table of evaluated kinetic data for combustion modeling: Supplement 1
Erratum: Mechanism and modeling of nitrogen chemistry in combustion
Erratum: Evaluated Kinetic Data for Combustion Modeling. Supplement I [J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 23, 847 (1994)]
Biofuels (alcohols and biodiesel) applications as fuels for internal combustion engines
A technology‐based global inventory of black and organic carbon emissions from combustion
Measurement of emissions from air pollution sources. 3. C1-C29 organic compounds from fireplace combustion of wood