Common law marriageCommon Law MarriageCommon-law marriage[Vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in married heterosexual people or people in a common-law marriage].Recent Changes to the Texas Informal Marriage Statute: Limitation or Abolition of Common-Law Marriage, TheIs the Honeymoon over for Common-Law Marriage: A Consideration of the Continued Viability of the Common-Law Marriage Doctrine[Vulnerability of women in common-law marriage to becoming infected with HIV/AIDS: a study of social representations]."Bessie done cut her old man": race, common-law marriage, and homicide in New Orleans, 1925-1945Common-Law Marriage: Myths and MisunderstandingsWhy Couples still Believe in Common-law MarriageTom Green, Common-law Marriage, and the Illegality of Putative PolygamyCommon-Law Marriage: Its History and Certain Contemporary ProblemsCommon-Law Marriage in North Carolina: A Study in Legal History