- She made no further progress because of complacence.
由于自满,她没有取得进一步进展。 - Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values we unquestioningly accept are false.
After the Great Complacence
After the great complacence
After the Great Complacence :
From Complacence to ComplianceToward a Theory of Intragovernmental Regulation
After the Great Complacence: Financial Crisis and the Politics of Reform
After the Great Complacence: Financial Crisis and the Politics of Reform
Surgical Site Signing and "Time Out": Issues of Compliance or Complacence
After the Great Complacence: Financial Crisis and the Politics of Reform – By Ewald Engelen, Ismail Erturk, Julie Froud, Sukhdev Jo...