- Her children go to the local comp.
Conard, Susan G.; comps. The role of the genus Ceanothus in western forest ecosystems. 1985. 72 pEstrada Saavedra, Marco: Muñoz, María Teresa (comps.). Revolución y violencia en la filosofía de Hannah Arendt. México, El Cole...CARLOS PINZóN , GLORIA GARAY & ROSA SUáRE Z (eds. y comps.) Para cartografiar la diversidad de l@s jóvenesDamien Maurel1,2,3,4, Laetitia Comps-Agrar1,3, Carsten Brock1, Marie-Laure Rives1, Emmanuel Bourrier2, Mohammed Ayoub1, Hervé Bazin...A new scenario for the quaternary history of European beech populations: palaeobotanical evidence and genetic consequences.Chloroplast DNA Phylogeography of the Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in EuropeDiverging trends between heterozygosity and allelic richness during postglacial colonization in the European beech.Penaeidins, antimicrobial peptides with chitin-binding activity, are produced and stored in shrimp granulocytes and released after m...Cell-surface protein-protein interaction analysis with time-resolved FRET and snap-tag technologies: application to G protein-couple...Life zones ecology.Ecología basada en zonas de vida.