- And there also was a concavity in his car's front wing (fender).
Power concavity and boundary value problemsOn the Concavity of the Consumption FunctionOn the Concavity of the Consumption FunctionHistogram concavity analysis as an aid in threshold selectionConcavity of Magnetization of an Ising Ferromagnet in a Positive External FieldStratified Convexity & Concavity of Gradient Flows on Manifolds with BoundaryGlenohumeral stability from concavity-compression: A quantitative analysis.On Interdependent Supergames: Multimarket Contact, Concavity, and Collusion ☆Ando, T.: Concavity of certain maps of positive definite matrices and applications to Hadamard products. Linear Algebra Appl. 26, 20...Effect of a chondral-labral defect on glenoid concavity and glenohumeral stability. A cadaveric model.