- I dislike conceited persons.
我不喜欢自高自大的人。 - You must not think that I was a conceited man.
你不能认为我是高傲的人。 - Conceited people never hear anything but praise.
凡是爱虚荣的人只听得进赞美的话。 - Promoted too quickly, the conceited young man became overbearing.
提拔得太快, 那个自负的年轻人变得盛气凌人。 - He's so conceited that when she refused his invitation, it really put his nose out of joint.
On the Cultural Uniqueness Idea of Lu Gu's New-Confucianism ——Also About the Cultural Uniqueness and Self-conceitedness in Confuci...
Impromptu Reflections No. 38 “On Conceitedness and Inheritance”
Concertedness in the thermal intermolecular ene reactions of dimethyl mesoxalate and substituted alkenes
5 – Aggression and the Self : High Self-Esteem, Low Self-Control, and Ego Threat
Implicit theories of a desire for fame.
"Pseudostylic Shamiana": James Joyce and James Clarence Mangan
Philip Roth: Fiction and Power by Patrick Hayes (review)
Et in Arcadia E.G.O.