- Her expression was not conciliatory.
她的脸色显得毫不调和。 - His letter was couched in conciliatory terms.
他那封信里使用了表示和解的言辞。 - A more conciliatory approach is more productive.
更加柔和的手段总是更有成效。 - The politician struck a conciliatory tone with his former adversaries.
Conciliatory Views of Disagreement and Higher-Order Evidence
Conciliatory Institutions and Constitutional Process in Post Conflict States
Intragroup variation in conciliatory tendencies in captive Japanese macaques.
Variation in conciliatory tendency and relationship quality across groups of pigtail macaques
"Attributing Trust and Conciliatory Intent from Coercive Power Capability": Erratum.
Conciliatory Gestures Facilitate Forgiveness and Feelings of Friendship by Making Transgressors Appear More Agreeable
Precise offers are potent anchors: Conciliatory counteroffers and attributions of knowledge in negotiations
Trust Development, the GRIT Proposal, and the Effects of Conciliatory Acts on Conflict and Cooperation
Personality and self-forgiveness: The roles of shame, guilt, empathy and conciliatory behavior.
Affective responses to service failure: Anger, regret, and retaliatory versus conciliatory responses