- The artless woman had made a confidant of the boy.
这个心地单纯的女人把孩子当作心腹朋友。 - She unbosomed her secret to her confidant.
Confidant: Protecting OSN Data without Locking It Up
Confidant Network Types and Well-Being Among Older Europeans
Confidant and Breast Cancer Patient Reports of Quality of Life
Worse than enemies. The CEO's destructive confidant
The Effects of a Confidant and a Peer Group on the Well-Being of Single Elders.
Confidant support and the mental wellbeing of lesbian and gay young adults: a longitudinal analysis
Obesity, confidant support and functional health: cross-sectional evidence from the EPIC-Norfolk cohort
Lack of a close confidant, but not depression, predicts further cardiac events after myocardial infarction.
Change and stability in confidant relationships: Findings from the Bangor Longitudinal Study of Ageing
The Relationship of Marital Status, Confidant Support, and Depression among Mexican Immigrant Women