- Their assumptions of an air of confidence fooled nobody.
他们装出信心十足的样子却欺骗不了任何人。 - John wanted to take us in, but we beat him at his own game.
Confidence Game
Confidence game
Take some bearish positions on stocks that you think are going to tank.
The Five Countries novels
Slots of misgivings: Texans lose in lottery commission's confidence game
U.S. Financial System – a Shell Game, a Confidence Trick, a Ponzi Scheme – Which Will Eventually Collapse!
The Practice of Law as Confidence Game: Organizational Cooptation of a Profession
Practice of Law as Confidence Game - Organizational Cooptation of a Profession, The
Miranda's revenge: Police interrogation as a confidence game.
Naked Power: The Practice of Stripping as a Confidence Game
Winning the Internet Confidence Game
The Production of Popular Music as a Confidence Game: The Case of the Chicago Blues