confinable effect coefficient约束效应系数
A well-defined surface-confinable fullerene: monolayer self-assembly on Au(111)Study of confinable effect coefficient of concrete-filled steel tubeELECTROACTIVE SURFACE-CONFINABLE MOLECULESWhy Did the Mortgage Crisis Lead to a Credit, Illiquidity and Capital Crisis? Key Factors Enabling Contagious-but-Confinable Risk of...ELECTROACTIVE SURFACE-CONFINABLE MOLECULES9: IN SEARCH OF A CONFINABLE PRINCIPLEInvited article: attosecond photonics: synthesis and control of light transientsMean curvature flow with convex Gauss imageElectrical conductivity and dynamics of quasi-solidified lithium-ion conducting ionic liquid at oxide particle surfacesStatistical mechanics of ideal particles in null dimension and confinement.