- Mysteries The consecrated elements of the Eucharist.
圣体圣餐中被奉为神圣的成分。 - About this time, on the Sivaratri night, consecrated to the worship of Siva, a dramatic performance was arranged.
The Consecrated Urn: An Interpretation of Keats in Terms of Growth and Form
Consecrated counseling: reflections on the distinctives of christian counseling
From Novel Practice to Consecrated Exemplar: Unity Temple as a Case of Institutional Evangelizing
Consecrated Phrases: A Latin Theological Dictionary; Latin Expressions Commonly Found in Theological Writings Third Edition
The rightful autonomy of institutes of consecrated life : an investigation of canon 586 /
Burnout Syndrome at School: A Comparison Study with Lay and Consecrated Italian Teachers
The Church Building: A Sanctuary or a Consecrated Place? Conflicting Views between Angolan Pentecostals and European Presbyterians
The use of time consecrated to the realization of individual activities as a parameter to allocate resources cost to activities in A...
Educating Together in Catholic Schools: A Shared Mission between Consecrated Persons and the Lay Faithful
Flag desecration in American culture: Offenses against civil religion and a consecrated symbol of nationalism