- The selection committee plumped for the safe, conservatively inclined candidate.
Conservatively treated tears of the anterior cruciate ligament. Long-term results.
Outcome of conservatively managed early-onset breast cancer by BRCA1/2 status
Long-term survival among men with conservatively treated localized prostate cancer.
Thoracolumbar "burst"fractures treated conservatively: a long-term follow-up
Locoregional relapse and distant metastasis in conservatively managed triple negative early-stage breast cancer
Outcome of diabetic foot infections treated conservatively: a retrospective cohort study with long-term follow-up.
Competing risk analysis of men aged 55 to 74 years at diagnosis managed conservatively for clinically localized prostate cancer.
A preliminary report of intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT) in limited-stage breast cancers that are conservatively treated.
Papillary thyroid carcinoma in children and adults: long-term follow-up of 1039 patients conservatively treated at one institution d...
Twelve-months follow-up in forty-nine patients with acute/semiacute osteoporotic vertebral fractures treated conservatively or with ...