Relaxation of local high temperatures due to shock compression as observed by the emf from a copper‐Constantan junctionThermopower in Thin-Film Copper—Constantan CouplesHYDROGEN GAS THERMOMETER COMPARED WITH THE OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN VAPOR-PRESSURE THERMOMETERS BY MEANS OF A COPPER-CONSTANTAN THERMOCOU...Thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity of Chromel, Alumel, and Constantan in the range 100–450 KDermatan carriers for neovascular transport targeting, deep tumor penetration and improved therapy.Oxidation behaviour of Cu-Ni(Mn) (constantan) filmsTemperature errors using multi-sensor thermocouple probes with a common constantan wire.Shock-Induced Electrical Responses of Copper-Constantan Junctions with SolderLow temperature thermocouples—I. Gold-cobalt or constantan versus copper or ‘normal’ silverEffect of Annealing Treatments on Electrical Resistivity of Polycrystalline Constantan Foil under Cycle Loading