Person and Its Constellated CorollariesShakespeare in his context : the constellated globeCancer and the Self: How Illness Constellates MeaningHer Constellated Mind: Jay Macpherson's Modernism and the Canadian Mythopoeic TurnDouble, Sync, Constellate: Realization Specific Works for More Than One CelloPossible uses of nuclear power in constellated low Earth orbiting space stationsCommunities of consumption: Cuisines as constellated networks of situated practiceConformation and cytotoxicity of a tetrapeptide constellated with alternative D- and L-prolineAn Ameliorated Methodology for the Design of Panoptic Usecase Flow Diagram to Constellate UML's Usecase and Sequence/Communication D...A systems approach to project management pedagogy: Situating competencies and relationships to constellate emerging technical and pr...