- I will probably open a global consulting firm.
我可能会开一间国际性咨询公司。 - We plan to use an outside firm of consultants.
Managing Tomorrow's Consulting Firm
Innovation in a global consulting firm: when the problem is too much diversity
Managing Meaning through Branding the Case of a Consulting Firm
Unraveling HRM: Identity, Ceremony, and Control in a Management Consulting Firm
Can technology build organizational social capital? The case of a global IT consulting firm
Writing for Multiple Audiences: An Examination of Audience Concerns in a Hospitality Consulting Firm.
Adaptive processes for knowledge creation in complex systems: The case of a global IT consulting firm
Adaptive processes for knowledge creation in complex systems: The case of a global IT consulting firm ☆
Teaching to learn and learning to teach: notes toward building a university in a management consulting firm
Communities of practice and the support of core competency knowledge in the information technology consulting firm