- Acton's thought of history exceded any historian's in his contemporaneity.
Contemporary Art and Contemporaneity
Testing Contemporaneity and Averaging Radiocarbon Dates
Contemporaneity of Clactonian and Acheulian flint industries at Barnham, Suffolk
A Place Pedagogy for ‘Global Contemporaneity’
Basal Tuffs and Contemporaneity of the Chattisgarh and Khariar Basins Based on New Dates and Geochemistry
Contemporaneity of Dorset and Thule Cultures in the North American Arctic: New Radiocarbon Dates from Victoria Island, Nunavut
Latest Homo erectus of Java: potential contemporaneity with Homo sapiens in southeast Asia
Consciousness-Raising or Redemptive Criticism: The Contemporaneity of Walter Benjamin
First accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dates documenting contemporaneity of nonanalog species in late Pleistocene mammal communities
ESR chronology of alluvial deposits in the Arlanzón valley (Atapuerca, Spain): Contemporaneity with Atapuerca Gran Dolina site